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For Better Learning, Practice Learning to Learn

This week I moved from a PC world to Apple. I had to learn several new programs and how to ‘talk’ to my new track pad. No more double clicking in the middle of the pad. Now I had to remember to use my left hand on the lower left corner of the thing. What! I have to work 2 handed now? OY.

I’m also rehearsing a new one-woman show and have about 30 pages of script to memorize.

Practice being a life-long learner

The skill of challenging one’s self to learn something new requires practice. More and more I encounter people in the workplace who avoid learning new things. In the last 6 months at various client sites I’ve heard:

Life long learning is a mindset, and a must in the modern age. Work has become so knowledge-intensive that learning really is the new form of labor.

Learning to Learn

Here are some ways to practice ‘learning to learn’. Look for opportunities to:

Practicing ‘learning to learn’ will pay off in many ways because learning throughout one’s life instills creativity, initiative and responsiveness. The very things our new economy rewards.

Now if I can just figure out how to use iweb, I can publicize my new show!

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