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Become A More Effective Leader In Just 10 Minutes a Day

One of the great joys of my job is the opportunity to reconnect with participants after a program and do follow-up coaching. I always begin these sessions by asking: “What can I help you with?” Last week a leader told me that she needed to get better at having hard conversations with her employees.

“I try to be direct and honest with them, but somehow the conversations always go sour.”

She went on to recount the most recent dialogue that had gone badly:

I started by saying: One of my concerns about your work is…”

Then she paused and stopped herself:

I need to start more positive don’t I? I do that at home with my husband and kids too. This is a big issue for me. I need to get myself into a more positive frame of mind. But how?”

She’d gotten to the real issue. She was coming to work with a negative mindset. That is the power of coaching. It provides time to reflect on current challenges. Often just by taking a few moments to contemplate a problem, an answer will reveal itself.

More reflection time is also the answer to her query about how to transition to a more positive frame of mind.

Getting Into A More Positive Frame Of Mind

Reflection time is essential for a leader’s success. Working with a coach is one way to carve out time for this type of introspection. Keeping a journal is another. In this case I recommended that she start keeping a specific type of journal—a gratitude journal.


Many of my clients have reported that keeping a gratitude journal helped them feel more positive and generally happier. Others reported that journaling helped reduce overall stress and still others have told me the journal helped them calm down at the end of a stressful day and get a better night’s sleep.

Gratitude Journaling: Step by step

Here’s what I prescribe:

Gratitude is a Leadership Competency

We know that engaged employees work harder and stick around longer. Gratitude in action is a great way for a leader to create an environment where that happens. And an easy recipe for maintaining that positive leadership mindset is a piece of paper, a pen, a prompt and just 10 minutes a day.

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