Making Sense of Change

Transition Smoothly. Support everyone in adapting to new initiatives with less drama.

Best Audience: Leaders within any organization that is in the midst of change.

Organizational psychologists have found that people feel change as loss. When employees feel loss — and a loss of control — that will trigger stress behaviors.

When change and transition are not handled well, these negative stress behaviors are amplified. Our program helps leaders recognize this loss and move more quickly through the 3 phases of transition:

  1. Endings
  2. Neutral Zone
  3. New Beginnings

Program Goals

  • Recognize the distinction between change and transition
  • Reflect on past experiences related to managing and adapting to change
  • Explore the natural human tendency to cling to existing behaviors during change
  • Equip participants with skills needed to engage in productive discussions regarding change initiatives
  • Apply best practice thinking to a case study—and then to your own work situation

If you are seeing any of the following behaviors at your company, you likely need help teaching your teams to better handle change.

Mental Stress Behaviors Physical Stress Behaviors Emotional Stress Behaviors
  • Confusion about how to proceed
  • Trouble making decisions
  • Lack of focus
  • Reduced attention span
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Absenteeism due to illness
  • Complaints of backaches
  • Upset stomachs
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Exhaustion from insomnia
  • Sarcastic remarks
  • Skepticism. Suspicion
  • Apprehension
  • Apathy. No Energy
  • Irritability

Leaders leave the program better equipped to mindfully lead their teams through the 3 phases of transition. This will bring your company’s change initiative to fruition with more ease and less stress.

What My Clients Have Said

Michael Florentino

Carol is the kind of Keynote Speaker that delivers the right messaging and motivates people to learn and commit to positive changes. If you value such results, then Carol will reliably deliver!

Michael Florentino, Senior Consultant, Amdocs
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Speaker Magazine Cover March 2015