Storytelling skills tips. Learn: why to tell stories, when and how to tell them, plus, figure out which ones to tell for maximum impact.
Storytelling skills tips. Learn: why to tell stories, when and how to tell them, plus, figure out which ones to tell for maximum impact.
Labor Day put me in mind of my Dad. In October he’ll be gone three years. I find myself telling a lot of stories about him lately as a way to teach important [...]
Business developers and sales professionals across industries are constantly being questioned about their numbers: Are we tracking to goal? If not, why not? What else can we do to deepen our customer relationships [...]
Last week I met with a young manager who was frustrated by the success of a colleague: I don’t understand how she gets buy-in to the exact same ideas I try to pitch. [...]
Why is storytelling in business so impactful? I get asked this a lot. It’s a provocative question. I’ve given it a lot of thought in part, because I’ve earned my living as a [...]
In the summer of 2010 the now retired General Stanley A. McChrystal was Commander of the U.S. Forces in Afghanistan. One day, during an important briefing in Kabul, he was shown the following [...]