No More Death by PowerPoint

Inject energy. Help your leaders communicate clearly, concisely and confidently—so everyone in the organization understands what’s going on.

Best Audience: Subject Matter Experts (scientists, data analysts, IT experts, engineers, accountants etc…) who have a hard time simplifying their message. New Managers who suddenly have to present to Senior leaders and struggle to get their point across.

Transform your approach to writing PowerPoint presentations by learning little known screenwriting techniques.

Audiences leave with easy to implement guidelines that will improve their very next PowerPoint deck.

  • Embrace the practice of doing an audience analysis
  • Learn the 5-act structure of a TV show. Then apply it to your next business presentation
  • Discover how to “hook” your audience and keep them engaged
  • Apply the psychological model of “Recency and Primacy” to determine the best ending for your presentation
  • Get your audience to do what you want them to do

What My Clients Have Said

Eric Giesing

My team needed to improve their presentation skills, so I brought in the talented Carol Lempert. At the end of the session I had everyone put their new skills to the test with a fun, high stakes Shark Tank pitch to my Senior Leadership. Every single one of them improved! All thanks to Carol’s expertise.

Eric Giesing, Director, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences/Danaher

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Speaker Magazine Cover March 2015