Manage Q&A Like A Pro

Inject energy. Help your leaders communicate clearly, concisely and confidently—so everyone in the organization understands what’s going on.

Best Audience: Team members who struggle to maintaining control of the audience during the question period. Typically, Subject Matter Experts and individual contributors.

Q&A is an extension of your message. It isn’t a baseball game where audiences ‘pitch’ questions at presenters and presenters ‘hit’ their answers back at their audience to score a run.

  • Learn my proprietary 7-Step Conversation Framework
  • Figure out the motivation behind audience questions. Then use it to your advantage when responding
  • Stay in control of the narrative
  • Turn Q&A into a dialogue

During the session, participants practice answering tough questions and receive personalized feedback.

This program is a great add-on to: No More Death by PowerPoint

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Speaker Magazine Cover March 2015