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7 Ways to Keep Virtual Training and Remote Meetings Engaging

Struggling to keep remote meetings engaging? The readers of Training Industry Magazine were too. Here’s what I recommended.

Empathy Framework Financial Post article
Financial Post logo

Empathy Framework helps leaders emit, understand range of emotions

Keynote Speaker, Carol Lempert: “a leader who can tap into what a person is feeling has emotional competency—or empathy.”

“The first is what people see when they look at you. The second is what they hear in your voice. The third is what people feel when they are in your
presence. If you, as a leader, can tap into what a person is feeling, and make them feel good about themselves, that is emotional competency or empathy.”

The Five Ps of Vocal Variety
Financial Post logo

The Five Ps of Vocal Variety

Ever wondered how to increase your executive presence over the phone? Well, the readers of the Financial Post did too. Here’s what I shared with them about The Five Ps of Vocal Variety.

Forbes Magazine Logo

Women have put a crack in the glass ceiling and Forbes asked me all about it!

Forbes Women Crack the Glass Ceiling
Forbes Magazine Logo

Thrilled that one of my clients thought to credit me with helping her build confidence at work. Kerri Palmer is Senior Vice President, Risk Management, and head of the Mid-Atlantic Women’s Network at Capital One. She was recently asked to be a guest blogger for Forbes / Entrepreneur. Her article: Want To Be More Confident? Stop Doing These 7 Things shares some wonderful insights. Have a read.

Want to be more confident? Stop doing these 7 things.
Reader's Digest Logo

22 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self

I was interviewed by Reader’s Digest and chosen as #5! What advice would you give your younger self?

Carol Lempert - Define Yourself By Your Actions, Not Your Title

Once Upon A Time there were 5 Tales

appeared in Speaker Magazine.

Speaker Magazine Cover March 2015
Get Camera Ready for Better Virtual Presence
Financial Post logo

Get Camera Ready for Better Virtual Presence

Watch this 2 minute video from my interview with the Financial Post to learn how to look and sound like a pro on camera.

New York Times Logo

A New York Times review: …
’Lempert is a lovely performer. Charming and resonant.’
The day I read that I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.

And I’ve done a few commercials for these folks.

acting logos
Carol Lempert Commercial Demo

I’d love to work with you, too!


Art Hutchinson
Stories That Sell was a GREAT session!

The direct feedback I heard, as well as the evident impact on peoples’ thinking about their presentations, served as testaments to your ‘traction’ with a sometimes skeptical group of nearly 150 elite bankers from 30 different countries.

I hope we get the opportunity to work together soon.

Art Hutchinson, Founder & Principal, Cartegic Group
Ali Intres
“I recently partnered with Carol on bringing Presenting with Telepresence to my new team at Forbes. Like other experiences I’ve had with Carol she offered invaluable insights, feedback and tips on how to get more out of virtual meetings, presentations and team collaboration. Carol easily adapts to different industries and has an engaging approach that captivates her audiences.”
Ali Intres, SVP, Human Resources, Forbes
Eric Giesing
My team spent last week working with the talented Carol Lempert on Executive Presence and No More Death by Powerpoint. We focused on:

-Organizing your content and supporting materials
-Grabbing and keeping your audience’s attention
-Managing the vulnerability of Q&A

Then, the team put their new skills to the test with a fun, high stakes Shark Tank pitch to Senior Leadership. Every single one of them improved! All thanks to Carol’s expertise.

Eric Giesing, Director, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences/Danaher
Jenny Tran

I was so impressed by Carol’s two-day training that I raved about it with my co-workers. Carol is a stellar example of how interdisciplinary skills in drama art and business can come together teach valuable lessons in communication and personal presence. What made Carol’s training so unique is that she provides and encourages candid feedback and then shows exactly how to address personal challenges.

Now, approximately six years later, I can say that I still recall Carol’s advice in that one training course. As I am embarking on a new phase of my career, Carol was gracious enough to speak to me as a mentor to offer her guidance and advice. As a mentor, Carol is just as candid as she is as a trainer and offers real advice that is immediately actionable. I highly recommend Carol as both a mentor and a corporate trainer.

Jenny Tran, President and Founder, Fint.Cloud

Carol has been a great partner for us. She has effectively collaborated with our team to design engaging and meaningful programs that support our learning strategies. The energy and experience Carol brings to her sessions is second to none! Here’s a small sample of what our participants have said about working with her:

“Love the way she uses her acting skills to create realistic scenarios and examples.”

“Carol Lempert is a wonderful trainer. I initially thought this was just going to be yet another Leadership training course, but it was so much more than that.”

“As always, Carol was amazing!”

Jennifer Ratliff, VP Training and Development IAT Insurance
Tricia Brouk
Carol Lempert is one of the most exceptional speakers I have ever worked with. Along with her ability to write a signature talk that is informational, inspiring and transformative, her expertise as a working actor lends to her ease of knowing how to deliver a captivating performance every time. If you want to count on having a exceptional speaker that will move you to action while making you feel something, call Carol immediately for your next event.
Tricia Brouk, Director, Writer, Producer, Curator, Coach
Michael Florentino

Carol is the kind of Keynote Speaker that delivers the right messaging and motivates people to learn and commit to positive changes. If you value such results then Carol will reliably deliver!

Michael Florentino, Senior Consultant, Amdocs
Leyla Lesina
I brought Carol in to help my executive leadership team learn techniques to better lead and engage their remote teams. The session was so impactful several executives on my team are bringing her back to teach these same skills to their people leaders. Additionally, I wanted my entire organization of 140+ people to learn how to strengthen their resiliency. Carol’s session: Building Resilience by Taking Care was a big hit! I highly recommend her.
Leyla Lesina, Senior Vice President, Guardian Life
Kate Shamsuddin Jensen

I have had the great pleasure of working with Carol over the last year. She served as a personal coach, helping me develop my executive communication and leadership style. Through each of our personalized sessions I’ve learned a tremendous amount and walked away with a growing set of tools. I am indebted to Carol for helping me prep for many important meetings this year, ranging from board meetings to keynotes speeches to company kick-off rallies. Her support, guidance, and hands-on coaching style to improve my communication style/approach were exactly what I needed!

Kate Shamsuddin Jensen, Chief Product Officer, Definitive Healthcare
Christine Hepburn

Carol is an amazing coach! Worth every penny.

I’ve contracted her for our people for over 15 years and find her inspiring, engaging, professional and creative. She’s also incredibly versatile in her ability to coach and relate to many different kinds of people.

Christine Hepburn, Global Diversity and Inclusion Manager, AT Kearney
Jeri Shelton
Carol gave an energetic and enlightening presentation on Speaking Up, Stepping Up & Moving Up for Philadelphia’s Chapter of Women in Cable Telecommunications. It was an early morning event and she had the attendees completely engaged and interacting immediately. The feedback from our members was great. “…one of the best WICT events of the year.” “…favorite Philly WICT event yet, I learned small things that I know will increase my presence at work.” Carol is an amazing speaker and facilitator.
Jerri Shelton, WICT Board Member
Jennifer Odietus
Carol is a speaker who has the unique and powerful ability to connect with people across cultures, backgrounds, and experiences. Over the past few years, Carol has facilitated multiple sessions on the topic of Resilience with the leaders of our Associate Resource Groups (ARGs). During a time where these leaders were feeling especially strained, she offered a space for folks to get the care they needed to move forward. She has also run programs for women on Executive Presence and Personal Branding. I HIGHLY recommend Carol as a trusted partner in DEI and other training efforts.
Jenn Odietus, Director, Talent Management, Cepheid
Austin Conti
Carol’s expertise within psychology and the science behind communication is vital to any executive looking to communicate their message both internally to their company, and externally to the market. I highly recommend Carol’s services for anyone looking to hone their communication and presentation skills.

Her sessions are not only informative and valuable but also a lot of fun!

Austin Conti, CEO, Co-Founder, Tenna
Christine Dykeman
Carol spoke to our participants about “Getting Camera Ready”. She was adaptable and used her prior life experiences to customize her presentation for the interests of our group. She is a public speaker and actress by trade but is a natural born trainer and motivator. She lights up the room when she enters it, and her participants hang onto every word she says. Her high energy presentation style is very open and inviting to questions from all listeners. I highly recommend Carol for any speaking engagements, workshop facilitations or keynote addresses!
Christine Dykeman, Counsellor, Monmouth County Workforce Development
Wayne Hutchinson

Carol is an exceptional professional. She uses forward-thinking techniques to teach Executive Presence through embodied learning.

My program has had the pleasure of working with Carol for the past two years in a seminar course that involves 80+MBA students annually.

Watching Carol lead these sessions has been a treat. Her use of candor, humor, and empathy compliment her central teaching points wonderfully.

I emphatically recommend her!

Wayne Hutchinson, Director of Academic & Program Services, MSU
Christine Cox

After 20 years of corporate experience, I have attended many leadership programs with Accenture, Goldman Sachs and American Express – all great companies that invest in developing leaders. Of all the programs, your sessions are the most memorable and relevant to my daily challenges. Please continue doing what you are doing–it makes a difference while making everyone smile.

Christine Cox, Guest Panelist WICT, Vice President Digital Sales and Marketing
Arturo Hernandez
Carol is a wonderful speaker. She facilitated a terrific storytelling in business discussion as part of Maximizing Leadership Potential training at Danaher. There was great interaction and engagement. She brought insights and lots of practical ideas regarding using storytelling at work. I can’t wait to share my insights from this seminar with other colleagues!
Arturo Hernandez, Commercial Director, Danaher Corporation
McKeel Hagerty

Carol Lempert is an extraordinary talent. Working with her will not only upgrade your executive presence and speech making capabilities, it will change your life. I have worked with her in a number of capacities and cannot recommend her enough.

My first experiences working with her were during my preparation for my term as global board chairman of YPO. Our focus was on storytelling and connecting with large audiences around the world. I was so impressed, I not only brought Carol into work with my executive team at Hagerty but also the entire YPO board of directors in Hong Kong.

Carol is brilliant, energetic and strategic. I cannot recommend her enough!

McKeel Hagerty, President and Chief Executive, Hagerty Insurance
Julie Leroy, Senior Regional HR Leader EMEAI, Sciex

Working with Carol was a game-changer for our organizational initiatives to develop woman. Carol brings a level of enthusiasm combined with a deep expertise in multiple leadership programs which include Executive Presence, Personal Branding and Career Management. Her ability to transform complex content into engaging, accessible and interactive learning experience is unparalleled.

What sets Carol apart is her collaborative proactive approach, kindness and her commitment to enhance participant experience. I highly recommend Carol. Her expertise and passion for education make her an invaluable partner.

Julie Leroy, Senior Regional HR Leader EMEAI, Sciex

I have partnered with Carol for 7+ years. She has facilitated Lead with a Story sessions in dozens of leadership programs at Danaher. Carol has had a deep impact on our leaders. They have definitely developed their skills around executive presence and storytelling. Her sessions are unique: participants manage to incorporate storytelling techniques, while they also develop emotional connections with (and among) themselves. Carol is definitely a game-changer, and I love partnering with her!

Mariano Camarino, Director, Talent Management. Danaher Corp
David Bloom
Carol Lempert creates vibrant and vital learning experiences for her program participants. Her sessions on Leadership Branding and Executive Storytelling are both entertaining and effective at promoting professional skills and organizational development. Carol “flips the classroom” to ensure that clients’ requirements are fully addressed. Her Broadway-to-Boardroom mastery makes a lasting impact, delivering deep value to participants and stakeholders.
David C. Bloom, Lecturer of Finance, University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
Monique Russell
Carol Lempert is a powerful, authentic and gifted speaker. It was invigorating to watch her command the attention of the audience at The American Express Success Summit and draw people in as she taught effective strategies on executive presence. Every point she made was beautifully illustrated in an engaging story which led to many “aha” and “wows” in the room. I was so mesmerized by her delivery and perfect incorporation of just in time learning strategies, I made a dash to chat with her afterward but she was already surrounded by other grateful listeners. I had the great fortune to be seated next to Carol in a closing session and we had the most delightful conversation. Carol, you are a gem! Thank you for your words of wisdom, guidance and resources!
Monique Russell, Coach, Clear Communications Solutions
Kemi Nelson, Vice President, Liberty Mutual Insurance
I have had the privilege of working with Carol for almost seven years. She has been an invaluable resource and mentor.

I first met Carol through a trusted leader who had engaged her at Capital One. From the moment we started working together, Carol’s sharp insights became apparent. She has consistently provided sage wisdom that aligns perfectly with my personal values of integrity, love, and intelligence.

What sets Carol apart is her theater background. She understands that life is like a stage, and she uses this knowledge to help her clients succeed. Whether it’s decision modeling, influencing with or without formal authority, developing executive presence, embracing authenticity, handling public impacts of leadership decisions, or even assisting with the process of authoring a memoir, Carol has been a true rock in my career.

Kemi Nelson, Vice President, Liberty Mutual Insurance
Shibu Gangadharan
Carol is a gem of amongst gems when it comes to speakers. It is rare to come across a person who has the ability to translate life experiences into life lessons and make them relatable to audiences. Carol has that uncanny ability. She disarms you with her smile, breaks through barriers with her infectious enthusiasm and uses her humility to help you find solutions that work for you.

Her ability to connect at a personal level, while working a crowd, is unparalleled and at the same time making sure universal lessons are absorbed easily without sounding overly pedantic. She grabs your attention from the first minute and doesn’t let go of it long after her session has ended. I thank you for all you have done for me and my group, Carol.

Shibu Gangadharan, Vice President, Strategic Development, Cepheid
Marielle Sander
Many understand the value of communicating a strong message, but communicating so that people take action can mean the difference between life and death in certain situations.  Having benefited from Carol Lempert’s expertise in different settings (workshop, presentation and speaker’s salon), I am an unequivocal fan of her work and her message that we could all benefit from the skills and techniques actors employ in their different roles.

While other trainers may focus solely on content and medium, Carol goes deeper into message and presence. She looks at body language and what lies behind the way our subconscious conveys a message. For example, is what we say, do, and how we appear aligned with our message? What crutches to we employ under stress? How would an actor do it? The sessions are highly interactive and fun! No power points, no rote learning – it’s all about communicating on your feet and knowing yourself as a communicator so that you can do your best every time to move people to take action to change policies, save lives and ultimately creating a world worth living for.

Marielle Sander, UNFPA
Michelle de la Paz

I recently attended a keynote on personal branding and executive presence with Carol as our guest speaker. Carol kept the session very fresh, interactive, and SO entertaining. Her content was just incredible – original, creative, relevant, useful, inspiring and very uplifting! I truly feel that this has been THE best training I have had in my professional career. I highly recommend Carol and her work.

Michelle de la Paz, Regional Water Consultant, Pall Medical
Ketaki Karpe, Senior Medical Advisor, Radiometer

Carol is one of the most engaging speakers you will ever meet. Even in today’s (sometimes distracting) virtual setting, she can keep her audience enthralled 100% of the time. She offers specific and practical solutions to daily/recurrent work situations.

Carol has become a ‘go-to’ partner at Danaher. I strongly recommend her to any leader looking to increase their team’s executive presence, influence and communication skills. Your only regret will be not meeting Carol earlier in your career!

Ketaki Karpe, Senior Medical Advisor, Radiometer
David Micha
Carol’s skills as a speaker are terrific! Her willingness to engage with our audience made an impact on each participant. Our sales team started selling with stories within a few days of Carol’s Stories that Sell talk. We are definitely going to have her back to work with our other teams soon.
David Micha, Director of Commercial Operations, Western Markets at Molecular Devices
IAT Insurance Group logo

Carol’s program is fantastic. She had an amazing ability to simulate practice examples and put her students in a position to try/develop the skills they have acquired. I would recommend working with Carol to anyone learning to develop their presentation skills, ability to influence others and those looking to improve their executive presence.

Matt Tyberski, Vice President IAT Insurance
Kayla Young
It’s amazing how much Carol’s teachings have impacted my life – not just at work, but in my personal life as well. I’ve been mindful about practicing at every opportunity. My anxiety has lessened, presenting feels more natural, and I feel more patient and secure in my ability to control stressful situations.

I’ve shared some of her exercises with coworkers, and they’ve also found them to be extremely helpful!

Kayla Young, Senior Art Director, Leo Burnett
Bill Teed, SVP, Talent & Leadership Development, IAT Insurance

Carol has done fantastic work for us at IAT Insurance Group! Her first sessions were based on strengthening Influence Management. They receive outstanding reviews from all participants.

Because Carol is so dynamic and a fun and wonderful presenter, this led to her now holding sessions throughout the company on Relationship Management and Emotional Intelligence.

With all the accolades, what I truly enjoy the most about Carol is that she truly cares about her clients and is passionate about what she does. I highly recommend her for any training or speaking engagement.

Bill Teed, SVP, Talent & Leadership Development, IAT Insurance
Jonathan Siegrist, CTO, Cepheid

Carol is one of the best – an incredible speaker, team builder, and mentor. She is SO insightful, thoughtful, and encouraging – and most importantly, Carol brings a high level of practicality and actionability to everything she does.

If you are looking for someone to bring positive energy to you and your team while driving deep insights and growth, all with a lens towards action, reach out to her – you will be amazed.

Jonathan Siegrist, CTO, Cepheid
Jeffrey Pease

If you want to perform like a star on the stage of business and life, you need to hire Carol Lempert. As a CMO, I worked with her at two successive companies and have recommended her to many more. Her curriculum, based on her acting background is unique and her style models the riveting presentation style and powerful executive presence she teaches.

Jeffrey Pease, CMO and Founder of Message Mechanics
Glen Mohr

Carol’s training as an actress and skill as a coach gives her the ability to keep people engaged and make storytelling an experience that they remember and feel comfortable trying to emulate. She is willing and able to adapt her content to suit the size, experience level and cultural background of the audience. Would definitely work with her again.

Glen Mohr, President Mohr Collaborative
Eileen Schloss
We engaged Carol as part of our 18-month leadership development program. To date, she has been rated as one of the ‘most impactful’ Speakers in our series.

Her ability to engage the audience and help them integrate her techniques into real, daily business interactions is exceptional. One of our sales executives reported having an “ah ha” moment in the middle of the speech. He said: Wow! I’m going to completely change how I approach our customers – making them the hero of the story instead of showing them how we are the heroes here to save them.

Eileen Schloss, EVP HR. Medidata Solutions Worldwide
Giles Snare
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences asked Carol to develop and deliver training to our global our commercial teams to use Story Telling skills to improve develop our selling skills repertoire. Carol took time to understand our objectives in depth. She went above and beyond our expectations to understand our business in depth. This diligence enhanced the focus and relevance of the training delivered to over 500 associates at our Global Sales Meeting in Washington DC. The training was perfectly prepared with a high level of associate involvement, both in the presentations to the complete group, but also in the smaller group working sessions. Carol’s preparation and attention to detail was impressive and her delivery to large and small audiences was entertaining, informative and compelling. We have had feedback from the attendees and the resounding message is that their new Story Telling skills will help them be more effective in their roles. Personally, I have used the story telling approach in a recent Danaher Leadership meeting presentation and the feedback was very positive.
Giles Snare, VP, Global Commercial Operations, Danaher Corporation