Carol Lempert

About Carol Lempert

I started my career as a professional actress and now work with business folks helping them increase their virtual presence by learning the skills actors use to have great stage presence. Clients include: Google, Comcast and the Harvard Executive Education program (yes, THAT Harvard. My Mom is too proud.) Typically companies bring me in as a virtual keynote speaker or virtual workshop leader. Let's talk about how I can help you, too.

Multitasking Makes You Dumb: 5 Tips to Improve Your Focus

Multitasking came up as a topic yesterday. I was leading a group of Managing Directors through my virtual program Presenting with Telepresence and was encouraging them to get mentally present. The Myth of Multitasking Being in-the-moment is [...]

If You Don’t Go After What You Want, You’ll Never Get It

The author Nora Roberts has written: “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re [...]

How to Manage Q&A like a Pro

Over the years I’ve seen great presentations fall apart—both online and in person—because the speaker hadn’t thought ahead about how to handle Q&A. Here are four tips that will help you shine during [...]

How to Improve Your Telepresence

Whether you are working from home, or leading a remote team, your executive presence is going to be judged through a computer screen. To give you an edge, let’s unpack what makes for [...]

How to Run an Effective Virtual Meeting

A friend of mine called yesterday to complain about the way his boss runs the weekly staff meeting. “He tells us to use the chat box to send him questions, then he never [...]

How to Keep Your Audience Engaged When Presenting Online

It's 4:00 pm. You’re the last presenter of a two-hour long agenda. Everyone is working remotely. How in the world are you going to get people engaged with your material? Here are a [...]

How to Network at a Virtual Summit?

A client recently emailed me with this predicament: "I accepted a speaking gig for the networking opportunities before Covid-19 and #WFH. The event is now virtual. How in the world am I going [...]

Best Practice Actually Isn’t Best

One common business phrase I hear a lot is: Best Practice. I find ‘best’ an unproductive notion. (Ironically, it’s tossed around to help increase productivity.) When I ask clients if they want their [...]

Zoom Fatigue

What can I do about Zoom/Video Fatigue? Here are three rather simple tips to help combat Zoom/Video fatigue Eyestrain and the 20-20-20 Rule Perhaps the first thing to address is not: what-to-do-about-Zoom-fatigue, but [...]

Time to Brush Up Your LinkedIn Profile & Resume

It's the 2nd month of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The economy is reshaping itself as I type this. Whether you love your current job, or have been furloughed, during uncertain times it's always a [...]

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